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Matric Notes Islamiat Ch 8 Hijrat and Jihad Question Answers

Matric Notes Islamiat Ch 8 Hijrat and Jihad Question Answers

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Q.1) What is Hijrat? Write a brief note.
Answer: Hijrat:
Hijrat means the act of migrating from one place to another especially in order to live or find work. In Islamic terminology, Hijrat means the migration of the Muslims from one place to another for the religious cause. If in a certain country the Muslims are Subjugated and oppressed, they are subjected to torture for adopting the Islamic way of life, they must leave that place and migrate to somewhere else. However, if they are unable to migrate due to lack of resources or they are too helpless to migrate, then it is likely that Allah will forgive them.

Allah commands in Surah Nisa:
“When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against themselves, the angels will ask: In what plight were you? They will reply: We were weak and oppressed in the earth. The angels will say: Was not the earth of God spacious enough for you to migrate therein? Such men will find their abode in hell, an evil refuge. Except those men, women and children who are really weak and appressed or who have no means in their power nor do they have any guide to direct their way. For such people it is likely that Allah will forgive them. And Allah is Merciful and Forgiving. And who migrates in the cause of Allah, will find in the earth many a refuge and abundance in the earth. And one who forsakes his home for Allah and His Messenger, and death overtakes him, his reward is incumbent due on Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

The above verses of the Holy Quran make it clear that Hijrat benefits a Muslim in this world and in the Hereafter.

Q.2) What is Jihad?
Answer: Jihad:
Jihad in an Arabic word derived from ‘Juhd’ or ‘Jahd’ means endeavor, effort or struggle. In Islamic terminology it means to exercise all types of physical and mental energy in the way of God. Jihad requires the believers to sacrifice wealth, families, blood relations and even their own lives for the supremacy and spread of the true religion. Those who take part in Jihad do their best to make the designs of the enemies ineffective and check their attacks. The believers do not withhold from fighting if it becomes inevitable to save the religion. That is why Jihad has been declared a great worship in Islamic teachings.

The sense of Jihad is very clear. According to some theologians the best kind of Jihad is Jihad bin-nafs. According to some theologians such a type Jihad is Jihad-e-Akbar! It means that one should be willing and prepared to bear all the physical tortures in the services of the religion of Allah. The Holy Quran and some traditions of Holy Prophet (PBUH) give importance to this kind of Jihad. The Holy Quran says:
“And those who strive for us, We will surely guide them to Our paths, and verily Allah is with the good.”

Q.3) what are the types of Jihad mentioned in the Holy Quran? Explain each type in detail.
Answer: Types of Jihad:
According to the Holy Quran there are two types of Jihad.
1. Jihad bin-Nafs
2. Jihad bil-Mal

1. Jihad bin-Nafs:
Jihad bin-Nafs is the Jihad by the person which means that a Muslim should be willing and prepared to bear all kinds of physical troubles in the services of the religion of Almighty Allah. One must be prepared to undergo hardship or to be sentenced to death. He must not fear arrows, spears, swords, guns or cannons. He must be prepared to receive injuries and cuts which may take even his life. When we use word Jihad it usually means Jihad bin-Nafs. In the Holy Quran the word ‘Qital’ is used for this type of Jihad.

Allah commands te Muslims to make preparations for Jihad, and forbids Muslims to use the word ‘dead’ for the martyres. The Holy Quran says that the martyres receive sustenance from their Lord and they hold festivities. Allah has promised a great reward to them.

2. Jihad bil-Mal:
Jihad bil-Mal or Jihad by wealth means that one has to spend one’s wealth or property for the preaching of religion and for the success of Truth. Almighty Allah gives man wealth and property so that he may spend it in the way of Allah. The Holy Quran says:

“Those who believe and migrated and did Jihad in the way of Allah, by wealth and by person, they are exalted to high rank by Allah.”

On the other hand those who hoard up wealth and do not spend it in the way of Allah, they have been warned of the severe punishment. The Holy Quran says:

“Those who hoard up gold and silver and do not spend it in the way of Allah, Allah will give them the ‘good news’ of Painful punishment.”

There are two major hindrances in the way of success and progress. The first is the love for one’s self and other is the love for wealth. The nation which sets aside these hindrances and spends its wealth and manpower without any hesitation gains success.

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