O-Level Geography Chapter 3 Water Resources Waterlogging and Salinity

O-Level Geography Chapter 3 Water Resources Waterlogging and Salinity

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Waterlogging and Salinity

The rise of water table to the surface level is called water logging and the appearance of salty patches is called salinity. It is mainly the outcome of canal irrigation in Pakistan. with the introduction of perennial canal water was available through out the year, resulting in the rise of water table. salt in the soil also rise to the surface with water table.(water evaporate and salt deposited on the surface ) It effect 3.5 million hectares of agricultural land.


1) lining canal to control seepage of water

2) Canal closure on temporary basis so water can be use in the time of need only

3) Installing tube-wells to lower water tables

4) Planting Eucalyptus tress which roots absorb more water go deep down

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