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Matric Notes Islamiat Ch 9 Rights of People and Human Relations Question Answers

Matric Notes Islamiat Ch 9 Rights of People and Human Relations Question Answers

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Q.1) Describe the rights of people in the light of Seerah – e- Prophet (PBUH)?
Answer: Rights of Human Beings:
If genuine rights of every individual are granted to all the individuals they can devote their talent and energy for the uplift of society with perfect peace of mind. In this way, the homogeneous social environment is the feeling of discontent and unrest arises which damages the social orders and destructive tendency paralyses the constructive capability of the members of the society. Therefore, a true Muslim is always concerned with the rights of human beings as particularly as the rights of Allah. He considers himself equally accountable for the rights of human beings before Allah.

Rights of Servants:

Allah has enjoined equal rights to all His beings and no one is superior on the basis of his wealth, colour or caste. Similarly, the servants are to be treated with kindness and love, keeping in mind that they are also the creation Allah as we are. Their basic needs and necessities of their life should also be fulfilled as long as they stay with us. We should treat them the way we war: ourselves to be treated. Servants should be forgiven for the mistakes they encounter and should never be hurt. The Holy Prophet was extremely kind to his slaves. He used to say;

“They are your brothers; give them to what you eat; give them to wear what you wear”.

The Rights of Neighbours:
Neighbours enjoy certain rights in our lives which we are obliged to fulfil living near each other’s house, it is our responsibility to share their sorrow and happiness. The prophet said:

“The one who believes in Allah and the Last day should do good to his neighbours”.

In daily life, a person has to deal with his neighbours. Therefore, the rights of neighbours have been greatly emphasised. There are three kinds of neighbours who deserve special treatment.
i) Neighbours who are relatives.
ii) Non-relative neighbours (even if they are non-Muslims).
iii) Temporary relationship with colleagues in the same profession or individuals travelling together.

Some of the traditions regarding the rights of neighbours are reproduced below:-.
a) A person who eats while his neighbour is hungry is not a believer.
b) A person who is good and kind to his neighbours holds a superior position among you.
c) If a neighbour needs your help, help him; If he asks for a loan; give him; if he is a. destitute, give him financial assistance; if he falls ill, arrange for his treatment.

The Rights of Parents:
In a Society, a person gets maximum help and assistance from his parents. Parents are not only responsible for bringing a person in this world but they are also responsible for his upbringing and education. Only parents sacrifice their comforts and belongings for the sake of their children^ Their love and affection is a heavenly shelter for their offspring who grow up, protected from the hardships of life. After Allah, the existence of human beings is indebted to the kindness of parents. Therefore, Allah has exhorted us to discharge the rights of parents in the Holy Quran in many places.

Allah says:

The Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in their life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. And, out of kindness lower to them the wing of humility, and say: My Lord! Bestow on them thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood!

Hazrat Muhammad(SAW)has declared that a person who is disobedient to his parents will be deprived of the fragrance of paradise. The Holy Prophet has greatly emphasised that we should serve our old parents because they have spent the energy and capability of their life in the upbringing of their children. It is, therefore, obligatory for the offspring to support the parents in old age. Once the Holy Prophet declared he is degraded! “he is degraded”, “he is degraded.” The companions of the Holy Prophet asked about this person.

The Holy Prophet explained,

” He is the person who failed to win paradise because he did not serve his parents in old age.”

Caretaker of The Orphans:
Hazrat Muhammad(SAW) was an embodiment of mercy for the orphans and the poor. Before him, there was nobody to look after the orphans and widows. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) raised his fingers and declared the importance of the look after orphans.

The person who looks after the orphans will be in my company in paradise.

Rights of The Offsprings:
Children are the gift of Allah that ought to be treated with kindness, love and affection regardless of their religion, tribe or colour. Parents play a great role in the upbringing of their children. They should take care of all their physical, spiritual and emotional needs.

Before the advent of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) there was an age when people killed their offspring Islam revived the love and affection of man for his offspring. The practice of murder of offspring was eliminated and the love of the parents for their children was restored. In the Holy Quran the murder of the offspring has been prohibited in the following words:

Kill not your children for fear of want; We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin.

Rights of Relatives:
After the rights of parents, offspring and wives Islam emphasises the rights of relatives. In social life, a man mostly deals with his relatives after the members of his family. If members of a family discharge their mutual rights properly a happy atmosphere of love and affection will prevail. Otherwise, hatred and estrangement will poison the atmosphere. The peace and harmony of the family will be destroyed. In the Holy Quran as well as in the Ahadees decent treatment with relatives has been repeatedly emphasised Allah says in the Holy Quran:

And render to the kindred their due rights.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has declared.

One who breaks himself off his relatives shall not enter paradise.

The Muslims have been ordered to look after the needs of their relatives so that they may not be forced to beg from others. The Muslims have been called upon to give priority to their relatives while spending on account of charity. They should not make their relatives suffer from a sense of loneliness or a sense of inferiority. They should share the sorrows and joys of their relatives. Assistance through relatives does not injure the self-respect of a person. If a man begs others for help he as well as his family is degraded. If we take care of the rights of our relatives according to the teachings of Allah and the Holy Prophet society will be safe from many evils.

Q.2) What human rights are discussed in the last sermon?
Answer: The Rights of Human Beings:
If genuine rights of every individual are granted to all the individuals are granted they can devote their talent and energy for the uplift of society with perfect peace of mind. In this way, homogeneous social environment is a feeling of discontent and unrest arises which damages the social orders and destructive tendency paralyzes the constructive capability of the members of the society.

The Rights of Servants:
Allah has enjoyed equal rights to all his beings and no one is superior on the basis of his wealth, color, or caste. Similarly, the servants are to be treated with kindness and love, keeping in mind that they are also the creation of Allah as we are.

The Rights of the Neighbour:
Neighbours enjoy certain rights in our lives which we are obliged to fulfill. By living near each other’s house, it is our responsibility to share their sorrows and happiness.

The Rights of the Parents:
In a society, a person gets maximum help and assistance from his parents. Parents are not only responsible for bringing a person in this world but they are not responsible for his upbringing and education. Only parents sacrifice their comforts and belongings for the sake of their children.

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