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Matric English Essay A Road Accident

Matric English Essay A Road Accident

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Matric English Essay A Road Accident

"An accident is something that happens unexpectedly to hurt a person."

Accidents are so common these days that we seldom pay attention to them. Almost every day, there is more than one news about accidents taking place in different parts of the country. In Pakistan the number of accidents that are daily reported in press or on T.V and radio, is enough to convince us that our roads have become veritable death trap for us. When we venture to step out of our houses, we are not sure whether, we will be able to reach our destination safely or not.

Most of the accidents are caused by negligence of traffic rules, carelessness of drivers, love for over speeding and narrowness of roads. Here I shall describe a breath taking accident, which I saw last year.
Last year, we all were going to Multan by road. There was a great traffic on Highway and all were in a great hurry. My father was going on with a normal speed. Suddenly, a bus overtook our car with a great speed. The bus was overloaded with passengers. After a few minutes, another fast moving bus overtook our car. The situation of passengers was not different from the first one. The bus was an old model also.

We had not traveled far when we saw both the buses on the road moving in a great speed. It seemed that they were racing together. Their speed was very dangerous. Suddenly, one bus overtook the other one. This engaged the bus driver and he accelerated speed of bus to go ahead. In the meanwhile, the tie road of that bus gave way since, it was moving at a top speed, and it soon went out and slipped to the left side of the road.

Other bus kept on moving. The whole traffic on the road stopped immediately. But the bus was out of control. It had a head on collision against a tree, which was uprooted by the bus. The bus went deep into the thick growth of before it came to a stop.

There was a great hue and cry raised by the passengers. The bus received such terrible jolts that almost all passengers were thrown away from their seats. Almost every passenger was injured. Some of them were very seriously injured especially the bus driver and front seated passengers.
Soon the help arrived there. Injured were taken to the hospital and first aid was given. The traffic continued after a half an hour. And we went ahead.

I still remember this incident and feel sorry, that just for the sake of entertainment; these bus drivers put the lives of many passengers in danger. This should be avoided although:

"Death keeps no calendar."

But we should save the gift of God Life and should not become enemy of it.

Written by:  Shahid Bashir  &  Shakel

Compiled by: Asad Hussain


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