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Matric Notes Class 10th English Book Exercise Chapter 3 Try Again (Poem) Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Short Question Box Question

Matric Notes Class 10th English Book Exercise Chapter 3 Try Again (Poem) Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Short Question Box Question 

Matric Notes Class 10th English Book Exercise Chapter 3 Try Again (Poem) Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Short Question Box Question

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A. Write meaning of the following words. 

  •  Words Meanings 
  1. Heed Attention
  2. Persevere persist
  3. Strive Attempt 
  4. Case Instance
  5. Patience Tolerance 

B. Find synonyms of the following words. 

  • Words Synonyms
  1. Courage         Mettle
  2. Conquer         Overcome
  3. Disgrace         Abuse
  4. Hard Difficult 
  5. Reward Award

Reading Comprehension  

A. Answer the following question. 

Q. 1  What is the lesson taught in the first stanza? 

Ans.  The lesson taught in the first stanza is that if at first we don’t succeed, we should keep on trying. Failure or success doesn’t matter. The thing that matters is the amount of effort that we put in. This effort should be evident. 

Q2 What can we learn from failure? 

Ans.  We learn that if we fail, we should persist . We should face the failures manfully.

Q.3 How is failure not a disgrace? 

Ans. Failure provides us an opportunity to better ourselves. . It gives us strength to get back on to our feet. So, failure is not a disgrace. 

Q4 How many times should we try and why? 

Ans. There is no limit for trying  again. We should keep on trying till our success. There is no end of glory. Therefore, we should go on trying persistently until we succeed. 

Q5. What should we do if we find our task hard? 

Ans. If we find that our task is hard, we should try again. We should be steadfast as well. 

Q6. Give an example of struggle form your life. 

Ans. Two years ago. I was in 8th class. I had a pressing urge to stand first in the class. But every time I failed to do so. I worked day and night. At last, my efforts bore fruit and I stood first in my class in the annual examination.

Box / Additional Questions

Q1. What does the word ‘persevere’ mean? 

Ans. The word “persevere” means to continue doing something in a determined way despite having problems.

Q2. “If we strive, it Is no disgrace,” explain this sentence. 

Ans. There is no disgrace to continue striving despite the difficulties and failure. We must face the problems manfully. Failures give us strength to get back to our feet. So, failure is \not a disgrace. 

Q3. Why is the poet repeating the sentence ‘try again’? 

Ans. The poet repeats the sentence “Try Again” due to its importance in our life. If we keep o trying. We shall succeed in the end. 

B. Select the choice that explains the meaning of the simile as it is used in the sentences. 

1. On the cold winter day, under the covers, I kept as sung as a bug in a rug. 

The simile as sung as a bug, in a rug means: 

  • (a) There were bugs in my bed.
  • (b) I was cozy in my bed. 
  • (c) I was too cold to stay in bed. 

2. The new teacher was as sweet as apple pie.

The simile as sweet as apple-pie means.

  • (a) The new teacher was nice. 
  • (b) The new teacher was big form eating too much pie. 
  • (c) The new teacher was rude. 

3. Their leader was as wise as an owl.

The simile wise as an owl means:

  • (a) The leader thought he could fly. 
  • (b) The leader could talk to the owls. 
  • (c) The leader knew a lot of things. 

4. The shopping center was like a three-ring  circus the day before Eid. 

The simile like a three-ring circus means: 

  • (a) The shopping center was quiet. 
  • (b) The shopping center was big.
  • (c) The shopping center was really busy. 

5. Danish threw such a temper outburst over such a tiny thing; he was acting like a baby.

The simile like a baby means: 

  • (a) Danish was mature. 
  • (b) Danish was acting childish.
  • (c) Danish was babysitting. 

6. Mohsin  was as explosive as a volcano when he found out his bike had been stolen. 

The simile as explosive as a volcano means

  • (a) Mohsin was happy. 
  • (b) Mohsin was angry.  
  • (c) Mohsin was calm. 

C. Filling in the blanks to make similes. Use these similes in sentences. 

1. ----as turtle         

Ans. As slow as turtle

2. As quite as ---        

Ans. As quiet as an owl

3. As black----             

Ans. As black as coal

4. As tall as----            

Ans. As tall as a bamboo

5.----as a lemon     

Ans. As sour as a lemon

6.---- As honey     

Ans. As sweet as honey 

Similes: As slow as turtle
Sentences: He is as slow as turtle.

Similes: As quiet as an owl
Sentences: He was sitting in the class as quite as an owl.
Similes: As black as coal
Sentences: At the end of the day, the worker was looking as black as coal. 

Similes: As tall as bamboo
Sentences: I saw man who was as tall as a bamboo.

Similes: As sour as lemon
Sentences: The drink was as sour as lemon.

Similes: As sweet as honey
Sentences: His voice is as sweet as honey.


The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables. 

Example: “She sells seashells by the seashore.” 

D. Read the poem again and find out the example of alliteration. 

Ans. You-your, why-with

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