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Matric Notes Biology Class 10th Ch 10 Gaseous Exchange Extra Short and Long Questions

Matric Notes Biology Class 10th Ch 10 Gaseous Exchange Extra Short and Long Questions

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Q1: What is tilling (tillage)? Describe the effects of tilling?

Ans: Tilling (Tillage):

Tilling is a farming technique in which the field soil become soft and pulverized due to hoeing and ploughing.

Effect of tilling:

I. Tilling helps in soil aeration.

II. Tilling helps in soil water drainage.

III. Tilling helps in recycling of nutrients.

IV. It reduces plant growth problems.

V. Tilling of soil creates spaces between soil particles, which help in better exchange gases between roots and air.

Q2: Differentiate between respiration and photosynthesis?


Photosynthesis Respiration
1. Photosynthesis is an energy storing process. Respiration is an energy releasing process.
2. In photosynthesis energy of sunlight is trapped by the chlorophyll and converted into chemical energy and stored in organic food material. In respiration stored energy of food molecule is released for cellular activities.
3. Carbon dioxide and water are used by raw material. Carbon dioxide and water are produced as waste product.
4. Oxygen is liberated as by product. Oxygen is required in aerobic respiration as a raw material.
5. It takes place only in green cells of the plant body containing chlorophyll. It takes place in all living cells of all living organisms.
6. It is a constructive process during which organic food molecules are synthesized and energy is stored. It is a destructive process during which organic food molecules are broken and energy is released.
7. Due to photosynthesis plant body gains weight. Due to respiration loss of weight occurs.
8. It occurs only during day time when sunlight is available. It occurs all the time round the clock, day and night. It does not require sunlight.

Q3: Write note on human lungs?

Ans: Lungs:

1. The lungs are placed in the chest cavity.

2. Both the lungs are covered with a thin membrane called the pleura, which is in the form of a double sac.

3. There is a thin film of fluid in between the two layers. This fluid makes the movement of the lungs easy.

4. The lungs are connected to the outside by the way of trachea through the nostrils or chest.

Q4: How gaseous exchange occurs in lungs?

Ans: Gaseous exchange in lungs:

1) The exchange of gases takes place in the alveoli, which are richly supplied with blood capillaries.

2) The walls of the alveoli and that of the capillaries are exceedingly thin which therefore provides an excellent site for gaseous exchange.

3) R.B.C with low oxygen concentration passes through the capillaries in a single file where as in the alveoli the oxygen concentration is high.

4) Oxygen from alveoli diffuses in to the capillaries thus making the blood oxygenated.

5) The concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood capillaries is more than that of the alveoli, therefore carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood in to the alveoli and is eventually expelled out of the body.

Q5: Why is it advised to breathe through the nose and not through the mouth?

Ans: Breathing through mouth: It is advised to breathe through the nose and not through the mouth.

Reason: We should breathe through the nose and not through the mouth to keep ourselves healthy.

Q6: What do you think why cheetah and elephant have large size lungs?

Ans: The size of the lungs of any organism is related to the activities and body form of that organism. Cheetah and elephant have large lungs, cheetah is fast running carnivore and elephant has large size body.

Q7: Describe the biological consequences of smoking?

Ans: Biological consequences of smoking: Smoking has a lot of negative biological effects on human body. Tobacco smoking contains various constituents which are given below.

1. Tar
2. Nicotine.
3. Carbon-mono oxide
4. Nitrogen oxide
5. Various metals
6. Carcinogen

1. Tar:

The particulate metal of smoking is mainly composed of tar. Tar contains different harmful organic chemicals which act as carcinogens and tumor maker. Tar is a solid substance which stains the teeth and fingers of the smokers. Tar can stain and damage the lung tissues also. Tar also increases the production of mucus and phlegm.

2. Nicotine:

Nicotine is a harmful substance which increases heart beat rate and blood pressure. It causes the construction of the blood vessels and also damages the muscles. It also affects hormonal system and metabolism. Nicotine can also increase platelet stickiness in the blood and can cause its blockage which can cause coronary diseases.

3. Carbon mono oxide:

Carbon mono oxide is a colorless and tasteless gas and is fatal in large amount CO is produced when cigarette is lit. CO is linked with coronary heart diseases and affects vision. CO stops the cleaning ability of respiratory system. CO along with other cigarette toxins cause inflammation, impairs lung functions and increase the risk of lungs diseases.

4. Nitrogen oxide:

Nitrogen oxides are found in high doses in cigarette smoker is responsible for lungs damage which leads to emphysema.

5. Hydrogen cyanide:

Hydrogen cyanide has destructive effect on the cilia. Cilia are used for cleaning lungs. When the lungs cleaning system is damaged by HCN, then toxic agents are produced which may cause lungs diseases.

6. Metals:

Thirty different metals have been found in cigarette smoke. Many of these metals are linked to lungs cancer. If a few of the metals are nickel, arsenic, cadmium, chromium and lead.

7. Carcinogens:

Carcinogens are the substances which cause lungs cancer. Some metals and radioactive compounds found in cigarettes are carcinogens. Few carcinogens are given below:

• Polonium
• Pyrene
• Nephtyl amin
• Cadmium

Q8: Describe various bad social effects of smoking?

Ans: Bad social effects of smoking:

I. Majority of nonsmokers are allergic to cigarette smokes because it produces irritation to eyes and throat.

II. Nonsmokers in the company of smokers are known as passive smokers and the breathing of smokers by the nonsmokers is known as passive smoking.

III. The passive smokers may have cancer by continuously living in an environment which is polluted with cigarette smoke.

IV. Bad smell which arise from smoker’s mouth annoy other people.

V. The government has banned smoking at public places and public transports due to which separate zones are allocated in aero plane and restaurants.

Q9: What is the effect of exercise on rate of breathing?

Ans: Effect of exercise on rate of breathing:-

1. The rate of breathing increases due to exercise.

2. The normal breathing rate is about 15-20 times permanent.

3. During exercise more oxygen is required for the oxidation of glucose molecule and more energy is obtained.

4. As a result of more oxidation, more CO2 is produced which are stored in the blood.

5. When medulla of the brain receives this deoxygenated blood, it sends nerve impulse (message) to the diaphragm and ribs to increase the rate and depth of breathing.

Q10: What are the contents of a cigarette?

Ans: Content of cigarette:

The content of a cigarette are the following:

1. Ammonia
2. Toilet cleaner
3. Toluene (industrial solvent)
4. Stearic acid (candle wax)
5. Methanol (rocket fluid)
6. Carbon monoxide( pollution )
7. Hexamine (barbeque lighter)
8. Formaldehyde
9. Butane( lighter fluid)
10. Cadmium (batteries)
11. Arsenic (poison)
12. Acetic acid ( vinegar)
13. Nicotine ( insecticides)
14. Paint
15. Methane (sewer gas)

Q11: Write note on the importance of home ventilation?

Ans: Importance of home ventilation:-

1. Home ventilation system is used to supply fresh air and remove stale one.
2. Proper ventilation maintain healthy living environment.
3. It also helps to maintain proper humanity in the rooms.
4. Proper home ventilation reduces allergy and asthma chances.
5. Ventilation also helps to remove and ease respiratory disorders.
6. Without sufficient home ventilation pollution concentration increases inside the room.

Q12: Write a note on emphysema?

Ans: Emphysema: It is severe type of lung disease in which due to extensive cough walls of the alveoli are damaged.

Causes: Environmental pollution can cause:

1. Emphysema
2. Cigarette smoke is more common cause

Prevention:- The effects of emphysema are permanent and irreversible, however if persons stops smoking soon enough further damage might be reduced.

Q13: Write a note on asthma?

Ans: Asthma:

Asthma is the inflammation of air ways. In asthma the lining of the air passage swells and the muscles surrounding these air ways become tight. This reduces the amount of air which usually passes in these air ways.


The common causes of asthma are:

i. Animals (pet, hair, dander)
ii. Dust changes (in cold weather)
iii. Certain chemicals in air and food
iv. Mold (fungi).
v. Pollens


The common symptoms of asthma are

i. Cough
ii. Chest pain
iii. Shortness of breath

Q14: Write a note an artificial ventilators (breathing machine)?

Ans: Artificial ventilators:

Mechanical ventilator is a form of artificial respiration that uses a breathing machine (mechanical ventilator) to assist patients with breathing. It is used when the lungs are not function properly a breathing machine (mechanical ventilator) pushes air into the lungs.

Parts of machine:


Artificial ventilator includes controls to adjust the rate and size of each breath.


A humidifier is used to warm and moisten the air going into the lungs.

Special tubing:

Special tubing for the air to pass through.


A trap to collect unused moisture from the tubing


The breathing machine ensures that adequate oxygen gets into the blood stream and carbon dioxide is exhaled.

Q15: Describe the changes of breathing in exhaust of fossil fuels?

Ans: Danger of breathing in exhaust of fossil fuels:

1. There is a very irritating condition when we are present in the middle of heavy traffic due to suffocation.
2. Exhaust of all sorts are attacking our nose and respiratory system.
3. Fossil fuel contains a lot of harmful compounds which are dangerous for our health.
4. The exhaust of petrol and diesel contain carbon mono oxide, nitrogen oxide, formaldehyde and root.
5. Breathing in such exhaust of fossil fuel increases the risk of lung cancer and asthma.
6. Fossil fuel exhaust contains carbon mono-oxide, nitrogen oxide, formaldehyde and soot.

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