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Matric Notes Physics 10th Chapter 11 Sound Conceptual Questions

Matric Notes Physics 10th Chapter 11 Sound Conceptual Questions

Matric Notes Physics 10th Chapter 11 Sound Conceptual Questions

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Physics 10th Chapter 11 Sound Conceptual Questions 

11.1 Why two tin cans with a string stretched between them could be better way to communication than merely shouting through the air?

Ans. String stretched between them could be better way to communicate than merely shouting through the air because sound waves propagate much better and faster in solid material than air.

11.2 We can recognize persons speaking with the same loudness from their voice. How is this possible?

Ans. We can recognize person speaking with same loudness from their voice because sound waves have different waveforms, so their quality is different so they can be distinguished from each other.

11.3 You can listen to your friend round a corner, but you cannot watch him/her.

Ans. Voice can be listened around the corner because sound waves can travel around obstacles due to very large wave length than light waves, we cannot watch a person around corner because light wave cannot bend around normal sized objects due to its very very small wave length than sound waves.

11.4 Why must the volume of a stereo in a room with wall-to-wall carpet be tuned higher than in a room with a wooden floor?

Ans. The volume of the stereo in a room with wall to wall carpet turned higher than in a room with wooden floor because the carpet absorbs sound waves. Reflection of echo is less than wooden floor so loud sound gives the sensation of sound easily.

11.5 A student sys that the two terms speed and frequency of the wave refer to the same thing. What is your response?

Ans. No, wave frequency is the amount of waves that you get in a single second, and the wave speed is the measure of how long it takes to travel in a given distance, so speed and frequency are two different quantities having time as common factor.

11.6 Two people are listening to the same music at the same distance. They disagree on its loudness. Explain how this could happen.

Ans. They disagree on loudness because loudness depends upon the sensitivity of the ear of the listener.

11.7 Is there any difference between echo and reflection of sound? Explain.

Ans. The phenomena of repetition of a sound caused by reflection of sound from a surface is called echo. For example, you shout from a valley, you hear an echo. While the reflection is the change in direction of a wave such as light or sound wave, away form a boundary.

11.8 Will two separate 50dB sounds together constitute a 100dB sound? Explain.

Ans. Since dB is the unit of sound level , and its value depend upon the log of intensities therefore 50dB sound from two bodies does not constitute 100dB.

11.9 Why ultrasound is useful in medical field?

Ans. Ultra sound is useful in medical field because it carries more energy and higher frequency, very small wavelength than audible sound waves.


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