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Matric Notes Class IX Biology Fats and Oils

Matric Notes Class IX Biology Fats and Oils

Matric Notes Class IX Biology Fats and Oils matricnotes0

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Fats and Oils

They are also organic compounds found in plants, animals and humans. They are very important compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fats contain more carbon and hydrogen as compared to oxygen. A fat molecule has two parts, glycerol and fatty acids.

Fatty Acids

Different kinds of fats contain different fatty acids. Fatty acids are basically of following two types:

  1. Unsaturated Fatty Acids
  2. Saturated Fatty Acids

Unsaturated fatty acids (molecules with one or more than one double bonds) are liquids at room temperature and are called oils. These are good for human health. Saturated fatty acids (molecules without double bond) are solid at room temperature and are called fat. They are not good for human health because they increase cholesterol level in the body. They cause narrowing of blood vessels which may result in heart attack.

Vegetable Sources

Vegetable fats are liquid and are called oils e.g. mustard oil, olive oil, coconut oil, corn oil. etc.

Animal Sources

Animal fats are solids e.g. butter, ghee and fatty meat.

Source of Energy

Fats and oils are rich source of energy they provide double energy as compared to carbohydrates and proteins. One gram of fat on oxidation releases 9.1 kilo cal of energy to make ATP

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