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Matric Notes Class 9th English Grammar and Composition Comprehension Solved 6

Matric Notes Class 9th English Grammar and Composition Comprehension Solved 6

Matric Notes Class 9th English Grammar and Composition Comprehension Solved 6

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Comprehension Solved 6

Q. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end:

We see a kind of milk in tins. It is powered milk. All the water in this milk has evaporated. When fresh milk stays in a dish for a little time, the thick part of milk comes to the top. It is the cream of the milk. From this cream people make butter. If milk with the cream on it is made it powder, it is called Full Cream Milk Powder. When something floating is taken off the top of a liquid we say it is skimmed. When the cream is skimmed from the milk, the thin milk that stays is called ‘Skim Milk’. Skim milk is a good milk but it has no fat in it. It is not good for very young babies.

Questions and Answers:

Q1. Is the milk in tins powdered or liquid?

Ans. The milk in the tins is powdered.

Q2. What becomes of the water in the milk?

Ans. The water in the milk evaporates.

Q3. What comes to the top of the fresh milk when it stays a little in a dish?

Ans. The thick part of the milk comes to the top.

Q4. What does the thick part of the milk have in it?

Ans. The thick part of the milk has fat in it.

Q5. What is cream?

Ans. Cream is the fat of the milk which comes to the top of it.

Q6. What do people make from cream?

Ans. People make butter from cream.

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