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Matric 9th Biology Notes Chapter 1 Terms to Know

                            Matric 9th Biology Chapter-1

                                             TERMS TO KNOW

Agriculture: The branch of biology dealing with crops and animals which are sources of food.

Anatomy: The branch of biology dealing with internal structures of living organisms.

Animal husbandry: The branch of agriculture concerned with the care and breeding of domestic animals(livestock).

Biochemistry: The branch of biology dealing with chemistry of different compounds present in living organisms.

Bio-economics: The branch of biology dealing with the study of organisms from economical point of view.

Bio-elements:   An element which takes part in making the body mass of an organisms.

Bio-geography: The branch of biology dealing with the study of occurrences the distribution of different species of living organisms in different geographical regions of the world.

Biology: The study of living things or life.

Bio-mathematics: The branch of biology dealing with the application of mathematical tools and techniques for data analysis.

Bio-molecules: A molecule produced by living organisms.

Biophysics:   The branch of biology dealing with study of principles of physics applicable to biological phenomena.

Biotechnology: The branch of biology dealing with the practical application of living organisms to make substances for the welfare of mankind.

Botany: The branch of biology dealing with the study of plants.

Cell Biology: The branch of biology dealing with cells organelles and cell division.

Colony: A collection of many independent organisms living together as a single unit.

Community: An assemblage of different population interacting with one another within the same environment.

Embryology: The branch of biology dealing with the development of an embryo to an individual.

Entomology: The branch of biology dealing with the study of insects.

Environmental Biology: The branch of biology dealing with the study of interactions between organisms and their environment.

Farming: A profession dealing with maintenance and development of farms for better crops and production of animals which produce better meat and milk.

Fisheries: A professional study of fish production.

Forestry: A profession dealing with growth and maintenance of natural and artificial forest.

Fossils: A dead remains of ancient organisms.

Genetics: The study of genes and their roles in inheritance.

Histology: The microscopic study of tissues.

Horticulture: The field dealing with gardening, ornamental verities of plants and fruits.

Immunology: The study of immune system and defense mechanisms of living things.

Inheritance: The transmission of characters from one generation to another.

Macro-molecule: A bio-molecule with heavy molecular weight.

Microbiology: The branch of biology dealing with the study of micro-organisms.

Micro-molecule: A bio-molecule with low molecular weight.

Microorganisms: A very ting organisms not visible to naked eye.

Morphology: The study of external forms and structure of living organisms.

Organs: A collection of tissues performing a specific function.

Organ-System: A collection of organs performing a specific function.

Organelle: A sub-cellular structure formed by particular assembly of bio-molecules.

Paleontology: The branch of biology dealing with the fossils.

Parasites: Organisms which take food and shelter from living organisms and in return harm them.

Parasitology: The branch of biology dealing with the study of parasites.

Pharmacology: The study of drugs and their effects.

Physiology: The study of normal functions of different body parts.

Population: A group of species living in the same area at the same time.

Prokaryote: An organisms which a definite nucleus.

Protists: A plant-like, animal-like, or fungi-like organisms, unicellular or simple multicellular organisms.

Sociobiology: The study of social behaviors of animals which forms society.

Surgery: A profession dealing with repair, replacement or removal of body parts.

Taxonomy: The branch of biology dealing with the naming and classification of living organisms.

Tissue: A group of similar cells performing a similar function.

Volvox: A unicellular fresh water algae which exhibits colonial mode of existence.

Zoology: The branch of biology dealing with the study of animals

Written By:        Asad Hussain        Khizar Ali


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