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O-Level History and Culture of Pakistan Paper 1 Chapter 5: The Pakistan Movement 4 Marks Questions

O-Level History and Culture of Pakistan Paper 1 Chapter 5: The Pakistan Movement 4 Marks Questions

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O-Level History and Culture of Pakistan Paper 1 Chapter 5: The Pakistan Movement 4 Marks Questions

Q1. What was the Morley-Minto Reforms?


1. Famous as the Indian Council Act.
2. It was introduced by Secretary of State John Morley and Viceroy Minto in 1909.
3. It increased representation of Hindus and Muslims in the Imperial and Central Government.
4. Muslim Representation was to be elected by separate electorate.

Q2. What was the SWARAJ party?


1. It was a parliamentary Party.
2. Its was a word taken from Sanskrit and meant ,”Self Government.”
3. It was formed by Motlal Nehru AFTER Gandhi’s imprisonment.
4. Its purpose was to use the legislative bodies formed under Montague Chelmsford reforms to work for the betterment of India from within.
5. Jinnah also joined this party.

Q3. Who was Chudhary Rehmat Ali?


1. He suggested for the separate homeland long before anyone thought of partition.
2. He suggested the name Pakistan for the new nation.
3. He studies law at University of Punjab.
4. He went to Cambridge University for further studies. Published Now or Never. Died in 1951 and Is buried in Cambridge.

Q4. Who was Dr. Allam Iqbal?


1. He is the national poet of Pakistan.
2. He studied and earned degree in philosophy from Cambridge and Punjab University.
3. He was knighted by Britain for his famous poetry.
4. He was the first to dream of a separate place for Muslims where they can live with pure Islamic values.

Q5. What was the August Offer?


1. Lord Linlithgow made an offer to the Indians in 1940.
2. It Increased representation in Executive Council of Indians.
3. It also gave them the right to frame their own constitution after war.
4. However Congress refused this offer.

Q6. What was the Pakistan Resolution?


1. It was passed out in 1940 on the annual session of Muslim League.
2. In it the Muslims demanded a separate homeland.
3. All Muslim dominant Areas were asked to be united into one unit.
4. It was named Lahore Resolution but the Indian Press to muslims delight named it as the Pakistan Resolution.

Q7. What were the Gandhi Jinnah Talks?


1. The two leaders had conversations between each other for the future of India.
2. They met 13 times and exchanged 21 letters between 8 to 27 September 1944.
3. Gandhi wanted power in hands oof Federal Government while Quaid demanded provincial autonomy.
4. Gandhi refused two nation theory idea and asked for partition later and independence first while Jinnah was on opposite ideas.

Q8. Who was Lord Mountbatten?


1. He was the great grandson of Queen Victoria.
2. At age of 16 he joined Royal Navy and earned distinction in qualities.
3. He became respected person in the world so was appointed Viceroy over subcontinent.
4. He was murdered inn 1979 by Irish Republican Army.

Q9. What was the Boundary Commision?


1. It was a commission set up to divide the boundaries for Pakistan and India.
2. It was head by Sir Redcliffe and Mount batten participated vastly in the division of boundaries.
3. Unfair Boundary distribution like major Muslim Cities of Gurdaspur.
4. India got a way to enter Kashmir because of the path made up by the commission for Hindus.

Q10. What was the India Congress?


1. It was set up by Sir Alan Octavian Hume in 1885.
2. It was set up as a forum for educated Indians to raise their voice.
3. It became a Hindu dominant party.
4. It produced important leaders like Nehru, Ghandi and others.
5. It was Muslim League’s rival.

Q11. What was the SImla Delgation?


1. Led by Agha Khan a delegation of 36 ML members.
2. Met Lord Minto in SImla to discuss some matters.
3. Demand of separate electorate accepted.
4. Very important as it promoted better understanding between British and Muslims.

Q12. What is Satyaghra?


1. Hindi Word meaning Truth Force.
2. A form of non violence resistance.
3. Gandhi established as a strong spiritual force.
4 Under hunger and sit down strikes were performed.

Q13. What was Allahabad Address?


1. In 1930, AI chaired the meeting of ML.
2. Iqbal gave his presidential address.
3. He called Muslims to work hard for a separate homeland.
4. He would like to see Punjab, NWFP and Baluchistan as one unit.

Q14. What was Amritsar Massacre?


1. At Amritsar a peaceful protest against Rowlatt Act as organized at Amritsar.
2. British banned protest but people decided to go ahead.
3. General Dyer opened fire in JilianWali Bagh.
4. About 1650 rounds shots and 1200 people wounded and many killed.

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