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Matric Notes Class IX Biology Dietary Fibers

Matric Notes Class IX Biology Dietary Fibers

Matric Notes Class IX Biology Dietary Fibers matricnotes0

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Dietary Fiber (Roughage)

These are foods which provide fibers to our body.

Sources of Dietary Fibers

All fruit and vegetables provide fibers to the body for example, citrus fruits, cereals, spinach, cabbage and salads. The cell wall in plant cells are largely made of cellulose which cannot be digested by man. Bacteria living in the gut of ruminants digest the cellulose and convert it into fatty acids, which renders it absorbable.

Importance of Dietary Fibers

  1. Roughage adds bulk to the food enabling the muscles of the alimentary canal to grip it and keeps the food moving by peristalsis.
  2. Absence of roughage in our diet may lead to constipation and related disorders.
  3. Fibers keep the intestines in a healthy condition, thus our daily diet must contain a lot of fruit and vegetables.

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